No. of Episodes
30 Mins
Family Drama
For three generations, Shanti Devi ruled over the Shrivastav family finances with an iron first.
Their two earning members – son Raghav and eldest granddaughter, Preeti handed over their entire salary to her on the first of every month. Shanti Devi, then distributed an insignificant amount towards family expenses and pocketed the rest. This money was then lavished on her fiendish and calculative daughter Sarla who despite having three earning members in her family always portrayed that she was in neck deep poverty. Shanti Devi never ever realized that her daughter was manipulating her. Raghav and his family dare not protest or she would create havoc in the household. Anxious that she might take away her salary too, her grandson, Shivam didn’t even inform at home that he had secretly managed to get a job. But when the bold, outspoken and forthright Riya walked into the Shrivastav family as Shivam’s wife, all hell broke loose.